Balancing Priorities and Budgets for our Village


Our Village has a public process and dedicated web page for our budget cycle audit and documentation.  Please visit this important City Budget page HERE.  The final approved reports for each fiscal year - beginning July 1 and ending June 30th - are very readable/understandable.  

The next Priority & Budget cycle reviews are expected to begin in March of 2024 and will be finalized at a June 2024 City Council Regular Meeting with multiple public sessions inbetween, that welcome community feedback. 

June 4th 2024 - Regular City Council - proposed Budget was Approved

HERE is the Agenda topic Council Agenda staff report prepared in advance for this date. 
is the City Council Youtube Video - starting with this agenda topic. 
HERE is the Adopted Budget Book
This budget received a 4/1 vote approval. Council and public comments continnued to question various items, especially highlighting the continue use of the unassigned fund balance that is currently expected to be depleted by the 2027/2028 budget year.  This is especially concerning as this outlook with require more conservative spending and/or new sources of revenue to address the needs of the Village in the coming years.  For now the "catch" up projects (from COVID time budget cuts) are being utilized.

May 21, 2024- Budget Workshop with City Council 

Here is the YouTube from this Workshop
is the Staff Report prepared in advance of this Workshop (that also provides link to budget book and advanced questions received with responses and more)
Here is the Expense Presentation for this Workshop
Here is the Revenue Presentation for this Workshop

May 7th 2024, Regular City Council - next FY Budget Proposal Introductory Topic

HERE is the proposed FY 2024/2025 Budget Book - that was summarized at the City Council Meeting. 
HERE is the Staff Report for this budget summary
are the slides presented providing an overview of the proposed Budget
HERE is the YouTube link from this Council meeting starting with this topic.

March 28th 2024, Thursday 10AM-2PM - City Budget & Priorites Workshop in Carpenter Hall

HERE is the advanced packet, staff report and listing of prioritites for review during this session and attachments.
HERE is the YouTube Video of this meeting. 
HERE are the Slides used in this Workshop.
All items on the list were summarized and discussed in this session, some direction was given on status or ranking.  However, as time was running long - they deferred formal shuffling of priorities until a follow-on City Council session - anticipated in May or June. 

March 26th 2024, Tuesday 4:30PM - City Council Special Session

HERE is the CIP Staff Report for this special session covering the SECOND REVIEW of our Capital Improvement Plans; this report also contains the presentations reviewed at the March 5th City Council. 

March 5th 2024 - City Council Budget Planning updates - half year budget adjustments & first round of Capital Improvement Plans/Budgets

HERE is the full Council Agenda Packet.   YouTube link starting with the Mid Year Budget topic is HERE.

HERE are the slides from the Mid Year Budget Report & Adjustment <-- approved by Council 3/5/2024

HERE are the slides from Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) updates for FY 2023/2024 & estimates for 2024/2025 <--decisions pushed to future budget review meeting.

October 2nd 2023 City Council - Strategic Priority Decisions/adjustments were publically reviewed. Staff Report can be found HERE. The YouTube link is HERE

August 30th 2023 City Council Strategic Planning Workshop - half yearly update is a 5 plus hour session.  Meeting details and the Staff Report used for this review can be found HERE. The YouTube link is HERE

June 6th 2023 - City Council - Adoption of FY 2023/2024 Final Budget.  HERE is the Staff Report and attachment with details for this item. HERE is the YouTube link beginning on this topic.

May 16th 2023 - City Council Budget Workshop  HERE is the Staff Report with attachments for this session.  HERE is the YouTube link for this workshop and a second part of the workshop HERE.

May 2nd 2023 - City Council - Review of FY 2023/2024 Preliminary Proposed Budget and CIP updates.   HERE is the Budget Staff Report with detailed attachments for this topic.   HERE is the YouTube link beginning of this topic.   HERE is the CIP Report updates. 

---other update, primarily at City Council were held between January and May-- however they began at this January Session

January 31 2023 - City Council Strategic Planning Workshop  HERE is the Staff Report and attachments for this expanded community session. HERE is the YouTube of this 5+ hour session.