Wednesday May 1st 5PM - Student Government Day - Mock City Council
Organized by the City Council, City Staff and Carmel High School (CHS), 12 Students engage in a serious relevant (and often humorous) discussion on our annual budget approval and new project proposals. Students sit in the roles of City Council and City Department Directors in the Mock City Council. Thanks to this next generation of CHS students! Be sure to Zoom in or attend at City Hall Wednesday 5PM. HERE is the City Meeting Notice for details. (photo from 2023)

Thursday May 2nd 4:PM - Carmel Police Station Project Listening Session
With the Station tours held in the recent past, Mayor Dave Potter and Police Chief Tomasi are again welcoming community members to express their views and suggestions on this future project. No decisions will be made. HERE is the City Meeting Notice for participation details - available for Zoom or in-person public comments. HERE is KSBW's coverage of this upcoming Community Meeting.
Tuesday May 7th 4:30 PM - Regular City Council
This agenda is not yet published, but with the annual budget season well underway and many other items postponed recently - this agenda is expected to be significant and noteworthy. Watch for agenda details - anticipated to be published later this week on this meetings page HERE - and/or be sure to signup to City notifications Here for any topics or meeting notices that you prefer..
April 27th - CRA's Community Rummage Sale - Huge thanks to all all!
From the significant planning, coordination, donations, promotions, staffing, setup/tear down etc...this wouldn't have been possible without the leadership of JC Myers. He was supported by many other CRA Board Members and many volunteers throughout our community, including Carmel High and Carmel Middle School students and parents and so many more - too many to count. Plus to all of the donations from folks far and near and the same with shoppers including travelers to our Village - most in town for the Big Sur Marathon.
For more/bigger photos and details visit this page.
Pavement Rehabilitation work will mostly be completed by May 2nd, the remaining work is:
Wednesday, May 1 Micro-Surfacing (San Carlos St. from 8th Ave. to 13th Ave. – 8AM-5PM) Micro-Surfacing (Junipero St. from 4th Ave. to Ocean Ave. – 8AM-5PM)
Contractors will return to conduct final striping the week of May 13th through May 17th.
Traffic will remain open in both directions during construction, but access to driveways in the treatment zones will be limited, please plan accordingly. Due to the nature of the work performed accessibility during construction will be restricted, please expect delays and if possible, avoid the area. And please use extreme caution when walking or driving near construction zones.
For any questions or concerns you may contact City’s Project Manager Javier Hernandez at 831-427-7665, for afterhours concerns, please contact Monterey Peninsula Engineering at 831-284-4081.
Carmel-by-the-Sea's Housing Element is officially "CERTIFIED"
As of April 25th, our Village has received our official Certification letter from Sacramento. This is a huge accomplishment - with more to follow. Congratulations and thanks goes to everyone who contributed, especially the City Planning Department AND Residents who participated throughout this nearly 2 year effort.

To keep our Certification - there is much to do. There are many next steps coming in the next months+, including programs to be developed, refinements to the proposed housing sites listings, the revised ADU Ordinance, drafting Objective Design Standards, and more. Your voice is critical in these follow-on items to protect and preserve the character and charm of our Village.
Visit our CRA Housing webpage for our Housing Element meeting video's, documents, press coverage and background. Be sure to review the "Did You Know" and "Living Document" links at the top of this page.
Visit our CRA Local Control webpage for more on past and coming housing legislation and the grass roots organizations pushing back on Sacramento's one-size-fits all approach. This includes informative links, videos, press and more on the bills that increase penalties and remove local control of land use and zoning. (updated many times per week)
AND for those who want to learn more, I highly recommend this one link as the best single source (a primer) to learn about California's (yes, absurd) RHNA/Housing legislation - HERE.
Our City's Housing Element project webpage is here
Sunset Center Outdoor Terrace Free Concert Series Begins May 10th
Sunset Cultural Center’s annual free outdoor concert series, Terrace Hour, returns with six concerts to take place between Friday, May 10, and Friday, June 21. All are welcome; no tickets or reservations are required. Terrace Hour is free and open to the public; the bar opens at 5:30 pm; the show starts at 6:00 pm. Food and drinks are allowed, but alcohol must be purchased at the venue. Rain cancels. Terrace Hour is sponsored by KRML.
Friday, May 10 - Wendi Kirby Friday, May 17 - Katherine Lavin Band Friday, May 24 - Miranda Perl & Adam Astrup Friday, June 7 - The Suborbitals Friday, June 14 - River Voices Friday, June 21 - Cindy Alexander
June 6th - CRA's Members Only Annual Meeting with Historic Photo's is a not to miss. Join us at the Carmel Woman's Club at the earlier hour starting at 5:30 for a beverage and finger foods. HERE is more on what you can expect. And be sure to nominate via email your favorite above-and-beyond local business for our annual Recognition program presented at our Annual Meeting.
There's always something to participate in and enjoy...and so it goes. New news, events, photos, and activities are posted on our Carmel Residents Assoc Facebook page HERE.
RESCHEDULED to July 10th - our CRA Hosts A Conversation with Mary Adams - our Monterey County District 5 Supervisor. (Formerly was April 24th) Program details are available HERE.
We welcome your questions, feedback and suggestions always.