Hope you've been enjoying our amazing Winter sunsets!
January City Council Meetings! (this v2 with updated links)
January 7th - Special City Council
Mayor Bryrne presented slides covering the responsibilities of Mayor, Mayor ProTem, and model for Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees. This YouTube begins with these slides & presentation.
Police Building Project - presentation HERE is the advanced Staff Report with schematics as provided by the consultant team. This covers in-place remodel of both the Police Station and Public Works adjoining properties. HERE are the proposed schematics and HERE are the dimentional plans HERE are the slides reviewed at this session HERE is the YouTube from this meeting, that begins with this topic. In summary, this was a report with the committment to host a community session for more comments before the end of the month with the purpose of a deeper dive into the schematics, rollout, and overall project. Various comments by the public and council including: budget estimates, scope, physical size/massing, historic building designation, gaps tied to added land for Public Works needs and more. NOTE: a Community Workshop is planned for Feb 10th at 3:30, save the date!
City FY 2024/2025 Budget Update HERE is the staff report on the mid-year budget report adjustments. HERE is the YouTube recording from this meeting starting with this topic. HERE are the slides from this session. In summary, the requested adjustments were approved except the Sunset Center North Lot Retaining Wall additional $400k ask - requiring future additional information and public review. With the new Council members, they discussed exploring a new goal/budgeting model as we progress into the planning for next year's budget and supporting reprioritization. Especially the current CIP (Capital Improvement Project) allocations for $'s when the project will cover multiple years. A future standing Council committee for budgets is anticipated. Below reflects the upcoming session/planning for next fiscal year.
 Updates were made, revising to the week of Mar 24th for the 5 Year CIP Forecast Workshop and adding the Planning Commission approval of the proposed Capital Projects with Wednesday May 14th. This later session is to assure the Capital Projects proposed alsign with our General Plan etc.
Past budget & prioritity sessions are available on this CRA page.
January 10th New Police Commander Todd Trayer Swearing In
HERE is the YouTube from this Ceremony. Learn more about Todd, his professional background and his prior connections to our Village.

January 13th Special City Council Meeting 4:30 PM City Hall
HERE is the Agenda prepared in advance of this meeting. HERE is the YouTube starting at the beginning of this meeting.
Mayor Byrne presented slides on the City Council meetings structure - specifically the Consent Agenda with it's common items and significant items of interest. This YouTube begins with these slides & presentation.
January 14th Regular City Council Meeting 4:30 PM City Hall
HERE is the full agenda prepared in advance of this meeting. HERE is the YouTube of this meeting
Mayor Byrne presented slides on how businesses and our local government have organizational parallels, but differences in focus - public good v profits. This YouTube begins with these slides & presentation.
One key agenda item is seeking the final approval of the newly updated Historic Context Statement, portion of our General Plan. This has recently been approved by our Historic Resource Board and Planning Commission. HERE is this document and we highly recommend it is a part of your Carmel Reading list. This document...:
* Includes a narrative of historic, social and architectural context (mostly architectural). * Provides a framework to understand the significance of built resources and the level of integrity needed to quality them as historic.
CRA Needs Your Citizen of the Year Nominations

Click here for nomination requirements, timing and details! Please send in these nominations by early February. The Board is working on the plans for this late April event.
Carmel Prepares - Storms/Fires
A community session was held in our Village in November with Emergency Readiness teams covering resources & tools should winter storms or other emergencies impact our area. Videos from recent session and more materials are provided on our CRA page HERE.
As a reminder - Here are helpful resources & contacts in the case of emergency:
* Monterey County Evacuation Guide * Carmel Emergency Evacuation Routes * Wildfire Protection Plan for Cities of Monterey, Pacific Grove and Carmel-by-the-Sea
* National Weather Service Monterey forecast page * Central California weather radar by AccuWeather
* Sign up for Monterey County emergency alerts and advisories. * Sign up for California Earthquake Alerts * Check PG&E outage map. Phone 1-800-743-500
* CHP traffic incidents and road closures. * Caltrans Monterey County road closures and travel alerts.
Village Phone Numbers, and of course 911 for urgent needs Carmel Police Department Non-emergency 831-624-6403 Carmel Fire Department 831-620-2030 Carmel Public Works 831.620-2070
Emergency (to go) Kits * Items (for you, your car, your pets, etc) published by the joint Carmel Prepares teams (here) * Important Financial/Recovery Documents (here)
Our hearts and prayers are with those impacted by the devastating Los Angeles wildfires. These Los Angeles Wildfire specific links Red Cross, World Central Kitchen and many other organizations are there helping provide relief and services in addition to all of the Civic and Govenrmental Teams. Do whatever you can to contribute to those in need.
For Your January 2025 Village Experiences
Jan 16th at 3:30 PM - Visit Carmel's Annual Meeting - in La Playa Hotel's Pacific Room - to learn more on the destination marketing organization for our Village. RSVP to attend at [email protected]

Jan 20th at 9:00AM Pacific Time - 60th Presidential Inauguration - Washington DC.

Jan 22nd at 6:30PM - CPLF's* "Timeless Treasures - Preserving...Architectural Conservation" - Carpenter Hall - register HERE. *Carmel Public Library Foundation

Jan 23rd at 5:00PM - Carmel Woman's Club 100th Year Kickoff Held at the Club at 9th & San Carlos - For more details & to RSVP click HERE

Jan 27 - Feb 2 - AT&T ProAm Golf Tournament - Pebble Beach - Details and tickets available HERE
Also, our community Galleries and Theaters have a great selection of performances and events not to miss at the PacRep, Sunset Center, Monterey Symphony, Cherry Center...the list goes on!
It's 2025 CRA Membership Renewal Season
The December/January/February issue of the Voice included a 2025 renewal envelope. Renewal invoices, simplifying online Credit Card payment, have also been sent out in recent days.We appreciate your continued support to keep CRA delivering programs, events and content all year and every year as we celebrate 38 YEARS of community service in 2025!
Upon your renewal, we will postal mail you a new 2025 CRA Membership VIP Benefits Card! Our Village businesses definitely appreciate the patronage of CRA members. Check out the 59 offers included and please nudge your favorite local businesses to add to this listing!

Thank you for your prompt renewals
We provide the latest current information and resources on our CRA Website for our Members, Residents, in our Village and beyond! This includes our calendar, documents, publications, current info on Hot Topics, links to other Village sources and organizations and so much more. Your suggestions and additions are always welcome!
This and every past "News You Can Use" and the CRA Voice can be found on our Archives page HERE.