Reminder to Join Us - Wednesday October 19th 7-8 PM
CRA Hosts John Sanders on Hotel Del Monte & 17 Mile Drive Doors Open at 6:30 at the Carmel Woman's Club, 9th & San Carlos
This historic Hotel Del Monte has many secrets. John is nearing the completion of a new book based on his research and will share many of his newest findings on this Hotel and 17 Mile Drive.
As usual we will open the doors for mingling and a glass of wine if you choose, with our program beginning at 7PM. John will welcome your questions live at the conclusion of his presentation. For more details visit our event page HERE.

Upcoming very many events left in October!

- "Third Thursday" Oct 20th 4-7 PM in Devendorf Park with Farmers Market Vendors, Music, Costume Contest, Food, Arts & Crafts, Drinks and more. Free - Open to the Public! Hosted by City Activities Team
- "Carmel Beach Pug Meet-Up" Sunday Oct 23rd 12-2 PM, owners will meet at Scenic & Santa Lucia and proceed onto Carmel City Beach.
- "Premiere of Bohemian Soul: A Carmel Documentary" Wednesday Oct 26th 6:30 PM in Forest Theater, hosted by Carmel Public Library Foundation. Free - but registration required HERE.
- "Pumpkin Roll" Saturday Oct 29th 2-4 PM on Ocean Avenue plus Pumpkin decorating in Devendorf Park - hosted by the City Activities Team.
- "Hocus Pocus" Movie at Devendorf Saturday Oct 29th at 6:15 PM with popcorn and kid friendly drinks - Hosted by Forest Theater Guild and the City Activities Team.
- "City of Carmel Anniversary & Halloween Parade" Monday Oct 31st 4-5 PM up and down the 5 blocks of Ocean Avenue. Plus kids trick or treat in Devendor Park. ...and PLEASE join us marching with CRA in the Parade
And there is always much more to offer at our Sunset Center, Pac Rep, and Carl Cherry Center ...enjoy!
To keep our members up to date on important items on the Civic Agenda in our Village, we are tracking these efforts on these CRA web pages. They cover background, history and the latest with ongoing City updates, especially in the last 60 days. We encourage you to check these out, and chime in with your suggestions and comments.
Parking Management (Paid Parking) HERE Standard Addresses HERE Architecture in Carmel (includes Design Traditions 1.5 project) HERE Short Term Rentals (includes Pacaso) HERE Wireless/Telecom Ordinance Updates HERE
And for those who missed it, and you haven't voted yet, check out our Carmel Residents - City Council Candidates Forum webpage HERE on Sept 21st. This page includes the YouTube link and article by the Carmel Pine Cone.
Important CIVIC Meetings in October
There were many big topics addressed in town this month - Design Traditions Workshop Oct 3rd, City Council Oct 4th and Planning Commission Oct 12th. Here are important highlights and links for your reference.
Oct 3rd - Special Design Traditions 1.5 Workshop
The Workshop slide presentation, Strategy White Paper and Workshop Handbook are all provided on this page. This community session included table topics, and key findings to date - with over 60 in attendance. Click HERE
Oct 4th Regular City Council Meeting
Full Agenda PDF packet HERE, YouTube link HERE. A few highlights....
Report on Considering Addresses in Carmel Project - presentation given by city staff, Emily Garary on this project with guidance requested of council to proceed or not with this research, scope and future council updates. Public and council comments received and guidance was to continue this work and to report back with updates. Here is the Staff Report. Here is the White Paper with added background. Here is a KSBW article on this item. All of this and more can be found on our CRA page on this topic HERE.
Report on Parking Management in Carmel Project - presentation given by Brian Uhler on this project with history, insights and critical need for continued community feedback as this project is evaluated. Here is the Staff Report. Here is a listing of past Pine Cone articles of past efforts. Public and Council comments received. Guidance was given to proceed with this project research and emphasis on various constituents feedback and demonstration of technology. All of this and more can be found on our CRA page on this topic HERE.
Oct 12 Planning Commission Meeting (5 hours, 20 minutes)
Full Agenda Packet PDF HERE Youtube Video HERE
Report on Design Traditions 1.5 Strategy Paper. Brandon Swanson provide brief update on this project and the paper. Here is the Staff Report. Public and Commission comments were received, including a presentation by the Carmel Preservation Association. Inputs received will be considered in the next step of the initial drafts of the Design Guidelines.
Historic Context Statement Update. Katherine Wallace provided project update and highlights of this effort that covers the new architecture built in Carmel over the twenty-year period from 1966 to 1986. Here is the Staff Report. The Commission accepted this report as written.
5th & Delores / Ulrika Plaza Update for comment (a.k.a. The Pit). City staff Evan Kort presented this new proposal with recommendations for the Commission to consider. Here is the Staff Report. To hear this report and comments go to the 1:50 minute mark (through 3:34 minute mark) in the Youtube Here. Public and Commission input provided for revisions, with general directions to move forward with some adjustments.
Timeshare Ordinances Updates - Draft for recommendation. Staff, Brandon Swanson, presented updates for Commission review, comment, and if ready, to pass on to City Council for first reading. Here is the Staff report. To hear this report and comments go to the 4:29 minute mark in the Youtube Here. Public & Commission comments on timeshares heard, including hearing from a representative of Pacaso (that is not explicitly relevant to these updates). Given these are simply clarification updates, the Commission approved these Ordinances to pass on to City Council, with a supporting recommendation for the City to publically review our policy on Timeshares.
VOTE - NOVEMBER 8th ! ...yes, once again.... For more on Voter Registration, Ballot Status and Voting Details
As a former CRA President once said to new second homeowners in our Village, "Even if your other home is remote, don't you think your vote here in Carmel-by-the-Sea will have much more power and value?" Consider it!
California offers online voter registration. You can register by mail to vote in California by printing a voter registration form, filling it out, and mailing it to your local election office. You can also register to vote in person if you prefer. The deadline for voter registration in California is Oct 24th!
And you can confirm your registration status here Check registration status · Register to vote

More great local events keep surfacing. Be sure to “follow” Carmel Residents Association Facebook page – where we & members post photos and notices of great area activities and more. And visit our CRA Calendar page too.
Your suggestions and comments are always welcome