Carmel’s Forest & Beach Commission is looking for your comments! Please complete this very quick survey regarding the Benches on our Scenic Pathway. Please click through here.

Enjoy Carmel’s July 4th Celebration - 10-12:30 will be the Open Rehearsal & from 2-3:30 the Concert in Devendorf Park with Monterey County Pops and more! Bring your lawn chairs or picnic blankets and join in the fun. Visit this page for details. And here are some pictures from last year!

Carmel Residents Association – Business of Appreciation Visit this page for more pictures, details on this program and all recipients.
CRA’s Business Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Tony Salameh at CRA’s No Host June 8th
CRA Business of Recognition 2022 Award for 5th Avenue Deli, originally awarded at the CRA Annual Meeting, now Elpidia and Carlos Herrera have received their Certificate!
 Tony Salameh & Ken White Fred Bologna with Elpidia & Carlos
July 8-9 from 10am-4pm Friends of the Harrison Memorial Library – Annual Book Sale at the Carmel Youth Center, just behind the Carmel Police Station. And a Members Only pre-sale the day before Thursday July 7th from 11-4.
“Silents, Before The Movies Talked” – this is the last weekend, of this one act play that takes a look at the early days of the movies. This production is written, produced, staged and acted by local talents and presented at our local Cherry Center Theater. Call 831-717-7373 for tickets.

And for more live entertainment, now through the Weekends until July 10th, produced by the Forest Theater Guild, is the “Little Shop Of Horrors”. For tickets go to

Thursday July 7 “Zoo to You” – Great fun for kids in Devendorf Park to mix and mingle with our fine feathered or furry friends NOT already in your backyard. There will be two interactive sessions - 11:00 am - Noon & 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Brought to you by the Carmel Community Activities Team on the same day as the great weekly Farmers Market from 10-2.
Every Friday afternoon all of July “Summer Live Music” at the Carmel Plaza – great music and more from 5-7pm.
Don’t miss the Carmel Bach Festival, running for two weeks beginning July 14-30, 2022 – get your tickets here
All July – The Dime Time Tradition at Buds (in La Playa) continues with a $100 donation for The Carmel Foundation.

Connecting with CRA Board Members – just past in June and coming up in July
CRA continues to host a monthly 3rd Saturday Carmel Beach Clean Up. Please come and pitch in for this great cause. We had a great sunny morning and turn out for the Clean Up June 18 and mark your calendars for the Clean Up coming up July 16.
CRA Hosts a Community Table at Carmel’s Farmers Market the last Thursday each month. Thanks for stopping by this past week on June 30 and mark your calendars for July 28. The weekly, year-round Carmel Farmers Market continues to attract visitor and residents alike. Plan your shopping accordingly!
Design Traditions Workshops – Community Input Sessions held in June
Visit the CRA webpage "Architecture" for details and updates. On this page you can find the timeline, YouTube links, key documents and more.
At the Residential Tuesday June 21 - Attendance was 48 in person and 24 participated on Zoom. At the Commercial Wednesday June 22 - Attendance was 27 in person and 15 participated on Zoom.

Whether you attended or missed these sessions, please take a moment to provide your input to this critical city project with what you like, don't like and be sure to include why across all residential and commercial areas to be incorporated into the findings for this effort. Please email [email protected] and [email protected] - with subject line including "Design Traditions Input" and your contact information.
June 6th Regular City Council – Extra Brief Highlights
PDF of Agenda Packet and the YouTube video of this Meeting
1. City Proclamation of June as Pride Month
2. Received presentation of the Draft Climate Adaptation Plan and Climate Action Plan by Agnes Martelet. Visit this page for these plans. This planning effort is significant, impressive and needs everyone’s participation for many moons to come.
3. Ratified appointments to multiple City boards and commissions.
4. Adoption of Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Appropriations, Annual Operating and Capital Budget. Visit this page for the these important documents.
NOTE: Next July’s City Regular Council – won’t be held until Tuesday July 12th (pushed out one week due to the July 4th holiday)
Cheers! Your comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome.