The last hurdle for now.... Carmel By The Sea's Housing Element to Certification
EVERYONE - Whether you are a full or part time resident, inside OR beyond our City limits, a business owner, employee or a frequent visitor who loves our Village - we strongly recommend you take 10 minutes to read and share with others our...
"Did You Know - Carmel's Housing Element" 2 page document HERE.
This quick read covers critical highlights on the State Mandate, what has led us to now, challenges ahead and some on the risks of non-compliance. This also covers the progress (or lack) of other municipalities in our County, considerations of City-owned sites, and what we can do to protect the residential character of this amazing Village in the Forest By the Sea. Note: this document was verified for accuracy by our City Planning Department for accuracy.
The Anticipated Timeline to Certification
Mar 27 Wednesday the City published the latest revision to our Housing Element (Full 3/26 draft HERE) open for public comment 7 day period. Please email your comments to: Marnie R. Waffle, AICP, Principal Planner ([email protected]) and Katherine Wallace, Associate Planner ([email protected])
Apr 2 Tuesday at 5PM the public comment period will close, DEADLINE for feedback.
Apr 3 Wednesday the Final Draft and all public comments received during the comment period will be submitted to the State for final review.
Apr ? Shortly after Apr 3rd, Staff anticipates receiving a letter of substantial compliance from HCD, allowing the City to proceed with adoption hearings. (next)
Apr 8 Monday at 4PM the special Planning Commission and City Council public meetings will be held, back-to-back, considering adoption the Housing Element and the environmental document, in time to meet mid April deadline.
Apr 9 Tuesday - City to submit, the now adopted, Village Housing Element to Sacramento HCD for certification.
Apr 15 or sooner - HCD reply's with formal certification.

Visit our CRA Housing webpage for our Housing Element project details, meetings, documents and background.
Visit our CRA Local Control webpage for more on housing legislation with grass roots organizations pushing back on Sacramento's one-size-fits all approach. And this includes informative links, videos, press and more on how the State is passing bills removing local control of land use and zoning.
Our City's Housing Element project webpage contains more document redlines and readers guides etc.
Note: assuming receipt of the anticipated State certification, there is significant work ahead on the many Housing Element programs and deliverables needing ongoing community review and feedback. these two reminders...but who's counting?
Wednesday April 24 - CRA Hosts A Conversation with Mary Adams - our Monterey County District 5 Supervisor. On April 24th at 6:30 doors open at the Carmel Woman’s Club, as Mary offers her 8 years of insights on the workings on the Monterey County dais and beyond. In an interactive question format, we will cover topics including Mary’s experience and roles in County and Regional area committees and boards – covering AMBAG (the source of our Village RHNA allocation of 349 net new housing units), Energy, Water, Transportation and more. Details are available HERE.

Saturday April 27th - CRA's Community Rummage Sale in the south lot of the Sunset Center. Mark your calendars to donate carefully used items Wednesday - Friday before, and shop till you drop on Saturday. For details on donating items and volunteering - visit this page.

We welcome your questions, feedback and suggestions always.