THIS Wednesday - March 6th 5:00 PM City Hall
Special Police Station Project Listening Session
Please join Mayor Dave Potter and City Staff for this public project listening session. Come with your questions, concerns and recommendations too.
Plus there are two City Council meetings: oneToday/Monday Agenda HERE and Tuesday Agenda HERE for your civic engagement too - join in City Hall at 4:30 each day or Zoom in.
In a Mail Box near You - The Voice - Mar/Apr HERE This includes: Flanders Mansion Past & Future?, Developing Theme for 2024, CRA Hosts Mary Adams April 24th, Pine Cone 25 years-10 Owners & Counting, What Do You Think (Addresses), CRA Community Rummage Sale, Police Station Needs & Planning, Budget Season, Carmel Loves our Trees…, Storm Ready?, Village Events/Dates, 2024 So Far, CRA What’s Next, Carmel Reading, Cheers & Chides.
Monday Mar 11, 4:30 to 6:00PM - CRA Members will gather at "The Annex" (behind 7th& Dolores). We casually connect, munch and imbibe. Please Join Us! Our No-Host gathering details can be found HERE.

Check out CRA Website Pages with background, meetings, documents, press coverage and more on top of mind topics throughtout out Village - updated regularly. All shown on our home page...but here are some that are especially timely. Your suggestions and corrections are always welcome - email CRA here!
Wednesday April 24 - CRA Hosts A Conversation with Mary Adams - our Monterey County District 5 Supervisor. On April 24th at 6:30 doors open at the Carmel Woman’s Club, as Mary offers her 8 years of insights on the workings on the Monterey County dais and beyond. In an interactive question format, we will cover topics including Mary’s experience and roles in County and Regional area committees and boards – covering AMBAG, Energy, Water, Transportation and more. Details are available HERE.

Saturday April 27th - CRA's Community Rummage Sale in the south lot of the Sunset Center. Mark your calendars to donate Wednesday - Friday before, and shop till you drop on Saturday. For details visit this page.

Looking back....
February 21st CRA hosted “Carmel’s City Directors - On Point” – a panel discussion. The Questions, details,YouTube and photos and more can be found HERE.
January 23rd CRA hosted Paul Miller for "The Carmel Pine Cone Inside/Out". Paul the owner, publisher, editor of the Pine Cone, shared a Behind the Curtain view into what makes this our Village weekly “must read”. Details, YouTube & photos can be found HERE.